5 Tips to Start Using Pleasure Products with a Partner


There are countless ways to explore and strengthen your intimate connection with your partner. One exciting way to do that is through experimenting with pleasure products.

Deem 2

It’s a myth that women in committed relationships don’t engage in self-pleasure or own pleasure products. In fact, researchers have found that married women are twice more likely to own a vibrator than single women are, challenging this often-held belief.

There are a few possible explanations for this finding. One of them is that couples in long-term relationships are more likely to look for ways to "spice things up" through the addition of various pleasure products.

The other is the fact that women in heterosexual relationships have fewer orgasms than their partners and are four times more likely to say that sex wasn’t pleasurable, leading them to look for ways to increase the likelihood of orgasm.

If you're thinking about incorporating pleasure products into your sexual routine with a partner, here are some tips to help you start.

1. Talk about it

Share your fantasies and desires with your partner and listen to theirs. Make sure you're both comfortable and excited about the idea.

2. Choose together

Exploring the options together can be a sexual experience that invites deeper conversations about both your preferences. Take the time to understand the features, materials, and functions of each product and decide what works best for you.

3. Keep it safe

Make sure you and your partner aren’t sensitive to any of the materials used in your pleasure product as some may cause discomfort, irritation, or trigger an allergic reaction. You’ll also need to make sure that your pleasure product is compatible with your contraceptive method. Some products are not compatible with condoms, for example, and can increase the risk of condom breakage or damage.

4. Start gradually

Begin by incorporating your chosen pleasure product into your foreplay or as an additional stimulation during sex. You’re not going to hit the perfect spot on the first try, so keep experimenting with different techniques, positions, placements, and intensities.

5. Give feedback

Openly discuss what you enjoyed and what you'd like to explore further. This will enhance your understanding of each other's preferences and deepen your connection.

Explore Deem

Did you know that Mauj has a pleasure product designed to enhance your pleasure, whether solo or with a partner? Meet Deem!

Drawing from our personal experiences, Deem was the first pleasure product for many of us here at Mauj, and we can’t recommend it enough.

With eight vibrating patterns, Deem allows you to explore until you find what’s right for you. It’s also crafted from body-safe silicone which is safe to use with condoms and guarantees your comfort. Plus, Deem 2 is waterproof, which means that it’s easier to clean and more importantly, can be used during shower sex!

Because we understand that this journey is personal, Deem arrives at your doorstep with the utmost discretion and privacy, and there’s no mention of "Mauj," "vibrator," or "pleasure product" on the packaging, product, or receipts.

If you’d like to learn more about Deem, click here.


You have a right to pleasure and your desires and needs are just as valid as your partner’s. Pleasure, in all its forms, is an integral part of a healthy and satisfying relationship.

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