Defining Self-Pleasure


The most important relationship we will ever have is with ourselves. At Mauj, we believe that we have a right to learn about our bodies, sexuality, and pleasure through a discovery of self, irrespective of our relationship or marital status.

grapefruit hands woman

/ˈˌself ˈpleʒər/
The act of giving yourself pleasure through touch. This can include touching the parts of your body that feel good (your genitals, your nipples, your ears, etc.), playing with different sensations (running water, hot and cold, pleasure and pain, etc.), and using tools like pleasure products to stimulate your body.

The most important relationship we will ever have is with ourselves. At Mauj, we believe that we have a right to learn about our bodies, sexuality, and pleasure through a discovery of self, irrespective of our relationship or marital status.

Our sexual selves and sensuality are natural, essential parts of who we are. That's why it's crucial for us to discover what attracts us, what feels good for us, and what we like on our own terms. 

Self-pleasure is a huge part of that. By exploring and touching ourselves, we discover where and how we like to be touched — which is also proven to have a positive impact on relationships. 

Check out this topic on our platform to discover the different benefits of self-pleasure, tips on how to get started or how to go deeper, and how to break away from the shame and stigma that is tied to this revolutionary act of self-discovery.   

Note: We respect your decisions. If you've chosen to abstain from self-pleasure because of your personal beliefs, that's totally great too. 

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