Your Dark Vulva and Asymmetrical Labia Are Perfectly Normal


The ideal vulva we see portrayed over and over again is one that is often without any pubic hair or with a very neatly arranged strip of pubes, that has the complexion of a Hollywood star, and with inner labia that tuck perfectly inside the outer labia. The reality is that no two bodies are alike and very few bodies look like the ideal we’ve been sold.

woman creating vulva shapes out of clay.

As women, we’ve been made to feel like something is wrong with our bodies by various industries, from plastic surgery to porn.

The ideal vulva we see portrayed over and over again is one that is often without any pubic hair or with a very neatly arranged strip of pubes, that has the complexion of a Hollywood star, and with inner labia that tuck perfectly inside the outer labia.

The reality is that no two bodies are alike and very few bodies look like the ideal we’ve been sold.

It’s the same case with our vulvas. Some blossom outwards, some are symmetrical, and some aren’t. If you’re an Arab woman with a darker skin tone, your vulva will naturally be darker. And there’s nothing to be “fixed” about any of that.

Your vulva is beautiful, and we want you to take pride (and pleasure) in that.

Explore these beautiful illustrations to get into the world of unique diversity when it comes to the shapes and personalities of our vulvas.

Illustration for Mauj by @creativebeingdina

Read more about the importance of looking at your vulva in the mirror here.


Unless you are experiencing pain or discomfort, it is likely that your vulva is completely normal. Physiological changes, pain, or a sudden lack of pleasure are all signs that something could be wrong and that you should see a doctor.

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illustration of three different women.